Rogue Bees - Ant Murphy


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Interviewer, Raphael Weiner

What's your mental model for discovery?

Interviewee, Ant Murphy

Rory Sutherland used this good example. So Rory Sutherland. He's the, he used to be the CMO of Ogilvy Group, but he's now the he used this analogy in a talk where he talked about bees. So bees, there's a percentage of bees that don't follow the, like the hive. They don't follow the waggle dances, they call it, and like all the instructions that all the other bees give to each other. And bee scientists thought it was really odd.

And they were like, this doesn't make any sense from an evolutionary point of view, you think about optimization. But he uses that as an example for this because well, what those bees are doing is they are rogue bees, they're going rogue. And they're going rogue on purpose because they're exploring. One day, those bees are gonna go over the hill and they're gonna find a massive garden of flowers, 10 times the size of all the flowers that they're already exploiting.

And it's going to be worth it. Those rogue bees are worth it. But until that point in time, everyone, it talks, he makes a funny joke about like all the other bees are looking at him, like, look at, like, look at these bees, just like doing what they want. Like what do they do for us? Like we're all hard at work and they're not, they're not giving us any value.

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